Managing your liabilities through smart tracking


Shayan Nahrvar

Jul 13, 2017

Bumping heads with your trades is a natural part of the business, but there are some circumstances that can easily be avoided with the right process in place. Swiftender has been specifically designed to help reduce confusion and leave an audit trail that will give you everything you need to settle disputes over who receives what.

Swiftender has been specifically designed to help reduce confusion and leave an audit trail

Often times, files are managed through old-fashioned FTP servers, where documents can be added and removed at any time. With this setup, there’s no audit trail and no way to prove that your sub had access to a particular file or package. With Swiftender on the other hand, all of your project documents are automatically placed into a single container and date stamped. When these packages are accessed by your trades, it will be marked by the system and stored permanently in your account.